E-invoicing for businesses

Work smarter, not harder

Whether you’re still in the start-up phase or already an established business, e-invoicing is one of the easiest ways to streamline your business without extra costs for you or the environment.

So, what is e-invoicing?

Simply put, e-invoicing is the secure and automated exchange of invoices between businesses. E-invoices use a structured, machine-readable format which means that all data is embedded in the document itself, making it readable for softwares, such as ERPs.

Sending and receiving follow the same logic as sending a letter via postal service: e-invoice operators are the digital mailmen that move invoices from one digital mailbox to another. The exchange happens automatically, securely and in an instant compared to manual handling.

Maventa einvoicing

Why switch to e-invoicing?

E-invoicing offers multiple benefits compared to traditional, manual methods. Here are some of our favourites.

Fewer costs

E-invoicing significantly cuts down the costs that come with traditional invoicing methods. Compared to paper invoices, businesses can on average reduce invoice sending costs by 59% and invoice receiving costs by up to 64%.

Peace of mind

Think of e-invoicing as your financial data’s personal bodyguard. With e-invoicing, every transaction is traceable and transparent, eliminating the risk of lost invoices or confidential data.

Sustainable choice

We’re certain you will love e-invoicing, but so does our planet. Switching to e-invoicing helps you reduce your carbon footprint down to a third compared to traditional invoicing methods, such as paper invoices.

Do what you love

Imagine reallocating hundreds of working hours to strategic initiatives, customer work and boosting growth. Yes, it’s possible. By automating the invoicing process, e-invoicing frees up to 64% more time for you to focus on core business activities.

E-invoicing regulations

Stay compliant now and in the future

Europe has a complex regulatory landscape with EU-level directives and mandates, as well as local adaptations and implementations.

E-invoicing ensures that you stay compliant with these regulations, reducing the risk of penalties but also opening up opportunities for smoother cross-border transactions.

E-invoicing regulations

Stay local or go global – with just one network

A seamless solution for companies of all sizes


Enjoy the benefits of scalability without the extra costs. The beauty of our transaction-based pricing is that you only pay as you go. No customers or invoices yet? No costs either. And when the business comes, our network will handle it effortlessly.


E-invoicing is your best bet at speeding up payment times and minimising manual work. Even if your customers aren’t as tech-savvy as you, you can still handle your end of the process in your ERP system. We will take care of delivering the invoices in the format your customers prefer.

Enterprises and corporations

Your business processes and sales cycles might be complex, but invoicing doesn’t have to be. Our technology is designed to handle the intricacies of large-scale operations. We want to ensure that your most important transaction processes are 100% transparent and secure, from start to finish.

Public sector

We promise that our technology won’t let you fall into regulatory pitfalls: we stay on top of compliance requirements so that you don’t have to. You can focus on connecting with local suppliers and growing your network in the Nordics and across Europe.

Ready to get started with e-invoicing?

Over 300 software partners across Europe use Maventa invoicing technology. If your favourite software doesn’t, let us know and we’ll reach out to them directly – you’ll be one step closer to reaping the benefits.